Devising in San Juan, Puerto Rico
It was a joy to be able to study mask and puppetry performance, Theatre of the Oppressed, devise with my peers and so so much more in Puerto Rico! Just a few photos from our devised performance with our community of masks. We also had the honor of walking in the San Sebastian Parade. |
Devising with Kean
I was able to spend three days with the incoming freshmen and transfer students of the Kean Theatre Conservatory where we spent time getting to know each other and create a piece that would introduce the group of thirty to the Conservatory at their Fall Kick-Off Meeting. This years piece was titled: I am...
Camp Premiere: Theatremakers
I had the pleasure of spending this summer working as Premiere Stage's Summer Education Coordinator. As which I acted as the Camp Director for Camp Premiere and the lead teacher for their Theatremakers camp. In our two weeks with 16 middle schoolers we studied performance, playwriting, devising, and improvisation. At the conclusion of our two weeks we presented two plays: Surviving Middle School and The Way the Cookie Crumbles.
Devising with NYU
Sara has been studying Devised Theatre with Dr.Smithner at NYU Steinhardt. This semester she was able to work with the middle school students from the Institute for Collaborative Education on their piece Stuyvesant Square Park: A Journey Through Time and Space. Sara's final for this class was a devised piece focused on apologies in relation to sexual assault. |
Summer 2017
The first was a series of scenes performed for the incoming Freshmen about the social pressures one faces in their collegiate career entitled, Peer Theatre.
The second was a devised theatre project with the Theatre Conservatory's incoming Freshmen and Transfer students. Lead by Sara the students worked together to create a devised piece of theatre to introduce themselves to the Conservatory. The piece was entitled Walls Won't Break Us Down.
The second was a devised theatre project with the Theatre Conservatory's incoming Freshmen and Transfer students. Lead by Sara the students worked together to create a devised piece of theatre to introduce themselves to the Conservatory. The piece was entitled Walls Won't Break Us Down.